Knowing is half the battle
October 14, 2010
Well, the old saying that knowing is half the battle. It is very true. I may not be making any money, but at least I know why. I'm not doing it right. One may ask, what it "it". Every person has their own it, so you fill in that blank for yourself. I have an account open on facebook now, and I also am writing articles on I have well over 100 article written on, the main place I write my stuff. I am going to try to incorporate this site into the mix but need to figure out how to get traffic here for people to read it. I like the idea of this place because there is nobody to tell me what I can or cannot write, to edit it for me, to tell me whether or not the spelling or grammer it correct, if the content is up to par, or any other thing. The only (and it is a biggy) downfall is that there is nobody reading or even looking here for anything.
I need to slip some links in somewhere to let people know that there is something going on here, and get...
figuring it out, knowing is half the battle, my place, my readers, uncensored
Posted at: 01:14 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Another day and still no dollars
January 21, 2010
One never knows what a day will bring. Just yesterday I was losing my mind because of the rude, take full advantage of anything or anyone people who come by here without giving a rats ass about those who pay the rent.
I am totally excited about the agent I have picked up to hopefully sell my ol' three legs book. I want to get it finished so that hopefully I can get the wheels turning and get it on paper.
As a matter of fact, I think that I am going to go ahead and finish chap. 3, 4, and 6 maybe tonight and send it in too. I so want to get something done so that people do not just take my enthusiasm as the pathectic hopeful and delusional ravings of a mad person. I know that I am going to get something printed.
I cannot believe what is coming back to me about my brother. For crying out loud, what in the heck is wrong with him, and is his craving for money so much that he cannot keep his morals and ethics going in a straight line? It is...
agent, book, brother, money, mud ducks, published
Posted at: 06:17 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
The real version of Ol' Three Legs
January 13, 2010
Today I found a publisher who might be interested in publishing my Children's Book, The Adventures of Steve and Larry, --"Ol' Three Legs"
So, I am going to make the last page of this website entirely and completely for the purpose of writing my stories, and then send them out to whomever I might be able to do something with them. A publisher, hubpages, whatever the case may be. If you care to look at the very last page, you will find the current work I am investing time on, maybe even right in the middle of an incomplete page.
You will be able to follow me from the first word to the editing process, to the marketing. You will be able to get just as lost as I am and follow me through the fog of indecision, the misty haze of inablility to follow directions, to the unfocused vision of not knowing what the hell I am doing, to at last and hopefully the last portion of the finished product.
So wish me luck, and say a prayer when you see me drifting off to a place of "not supposed to be", or...
editing, marketing, ol three legs, pages, publish, publisher, stories, writing
Posted at: 03:17 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
my first interview
January 12, 2010
Hi everyone. Today I was able to do my first interview on a four or five part series on the life and career of a commercial diver who has five generations of divers now off the shores of Santa Barbara, the Channel Island National Park. These are the islands called Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, San Climente, Santa Barbara, San Nicoles, and Catalina. He will be telling us how he got started, where he dives, and some of the experiences he has had during the hours, turned to weeks, turned to years underwater just off our shores.
I haven't been able to advertise this website yet, and I am hoping that some of you all will find it on your own, but will soon have it up completely and will be able to find it in the directories.
I am going to cut this blog short so I can work on someof the other pages that are yet incomplete. So, be patient with me and feel free to write me at
I will have another email address that will be just for this website and my writing endeavers and will get that out to you as soon as I...
catalina, chanel islands, email, interview, santa barbara, santa rosa, series
Posted at: 05:34 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
It is what it is, or is it what it is supposed to be?
January 10, 2010
Did you ever have a feeling that somewhere in this world, walking down the path of life, that you somehow took a wrong turn? That you were supposed to be an actor, or a politician, but you missed the turn.
I always had a feeling that I was supposed to be in the theater. You know, up on a stage in front of hundreds of people pretending to be a charactor of some kind, acting out a part--being someone you really are not, but knowing that deep down inside a small part of you is that character, therefore making it possible for you to pull it off and make it believable to all that are watching.
I have been rather shy my whole life, especially as a child. In fact I was so shy that when somebody came to the door and knocked, I would become so afraid, that I would crawl behind the sofa and would not come out until they had left, or until my mom would pull the sofa out and pull me out by my leg.
Yes, I missed the boat. I should have been an actress, and a good one. I could have been famous,...
actress, believe, charactor, follow directions, lifestyles, meant to be, paths, population, rich and famous, road of life, shy, world
Posted at: 05:02 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
It Is The First Day of the New Year
January 1, 2010
Well, here we are, beginning another new year. I don't know what I am going to do today, yesterday I didn't feel very well all day, and to make things worse, my dear hubby decided that it was a good day to take his pain issues out on me. I put him in check a couple of times, then I just ignored him for he is usually very respectful in the way that he talks to me and treats me. He must have really been over the top with how he felt.
I am going to have to find someone to answer some questions for me, because I am kind of stuck. I do believe I have painted myself into a corner. Now I feel like I am making something that is about as interesting to outsiders as watching paint dry. Hopefully not, but yes I think so.
I am going to put this up for right now and find something else to do. I think if I set it down for a while and come back to it I will have better success at achieving what I am after. Be back later 
new year, questions
Posted at: 09:06 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
It Is New Years Eve
December 31, 2009
Here we are, at the end of another year, or at the beginning of another year, however you want to look at it. No matter how I look at it, I feel older. Is it just me or do the time it takes for a year to pass go faster and faster as we get older??
It is time to make our New Years resolutions again, and I definately know what mine is. I actually have two. The first one is to excercise more and lose some weight. I don't even care how much as long as it is some. My second one is to do anything I have to, in order to get my husband to quit smoking. I told him this, this morning. He didn't seem too impressed. We will see what he thinks about it as time goes on.....
I have my next idea for my next hub article. It is on a rather political subject, and I am not going to spill my guts on the content right here and now, but go and check it out if you are curious.
So, I wish you all a very good and happy New...
new years, political hub
Posted at: 09:51 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink
Ideas on what kinds of options to add to a new website
December 30, 2009
I began to build my new website today, and not being very sure on what kinds of things will be interesting enough to draw people in, and then keep their interest long enough to actually get them to read some of my publications, or articles.
My stories are pretty interesting, so I have been told. I have had my hubpages publication site going for about two months now, and I have about 50 stories written. I find that some days I can not think of one single subject that I could write more than a couple of sentences about. There is just nothing to say about what makes kids run in the store. Then again, there are other days when the very same subject matter gives me enough inspiration to write several pages on these little wild indians who have taken over the grocery store.
I am assuming that it is some sort of writers block, but I think that it is more like my mind will not form any sort of complete thoughts.
I intend to add a few fun things to this web site, like perhaps a game, a poll from time to time. ...
best seller list, book, bookbinder, manuscripts, printers, publication, sell
Posted at: 01:38 PM | Permalink